It’s Like Holding on to Water…

Early morning waves at Black Point, Narragansett, RI

When I wrote “Its like holding onto water”, the words started differently in my mind….there was a phrase I said one day: “I’m sorry for the things I cling to when I’m sad”. Those words sort of rolled around in my head for awhile and one morning I sat at Rocky Point beach and penned the beginnings of this poem. Being near the water, it sort of morphed into the thought that I was clinging to something that was slipping through my fingers like water.

Water is a muse of mine. Much of what I write involves the sea, the sky, and the spaces, moods, and emotions in between. With a very stark image in my mind – water spilling over hands – I began to write. I imagined myself clinging to the water, unable to be free of the feeling that the same water that saved me was also the water that could drown me. I want something safe to hold, but I am not sure that will happen. In the end, I am still left feeling that what I am clinging to is just spilling right through my fingers like water.

This poem, a little piece of my soul on paper, I entered to be a part of a show at a local gallery. It’s a poetry and art show, combining artists and poets in a creative way. I entered the piece on sort of a whim, but as part of a plan to get myself out there, meet more artists and poets. Much to my surprise it was chosen to be a part of their show. Tonight I get to meet the artist who created a piece of art based on my poetry and I am so excited and curious….. did my words convey themselves? Was my imagery enough? I can’t wait to find out.

Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a writer. Ever since I was an angsty teenager, I have wanted to be a writer. Ever since I was a grownup with plenty of other jobs under my belt, I have wanted to be a writer. It is something I’ll always go back to dreaming about. Hopefully it isn’t just a dream anymore.

This show is a new step in the right direction for me. I can feel it. And I hope you all see it too.

Much love, Robyn