“The Edge of Everything”

Time marches on…

Originally published on June 12th, 2021 this book contains my heart and my soul. I learned so much about myself while writing, editing, and working through all of the pain and heartache. And then to have the courage needed to hit “publish”; it was worth it in the end. This post might be a bit late in the game, but chronic illness has made some endeavors take a backseat to creative journeys. The words published in this book are still so important to me and I will never forget them.

From the back cover:

A deep childhood imagination and a need for escape brought me to the trees of our backyard with my sisters and friends; hours on end spent creating other worlds and forging a passion for the art of storytelling and a flair for the dramatic. We often considered ourselves to be kindred spirits of the many characters we read in our books and acted out in our imaginary plays. It is this that leads me back to the natural world in my adulthood. Although no longer living in the trees, I have found myself slowly discovering beautiful places that bring me back to those wild and imaginative days. Deep inside the widest places I can find in my small state, I open myself up to the possibility that I can lose myself in the natural world and still find my way home.

This book is a collection of my heart and soul – everything inside these pages inspired by moments frozen in time, beautiful places I’ve visited, all the things I’ve seen and read along the way that fuel my imagination. A means of escape and wonder, to find the little bits of magic through the most difficult times; I write about what I know and what I wish to know.

The Edge of Everything is available through Amazon.