This Love Sinks Ships

This Love Sinks Ships

I wrote this piece a few weeks ago…. it was one of those moments where the words just rolled around inside me for a few hours. I’m not sure what I was feeling that day or even what inspired it, I just happened to have this feeling that “this love” that lives inside me is one that would end in destruction. So intense, so moving; and yet, at its core: dangerous.

I struggled to find images to properly convey this emotion…. I probably still will be chasing storm clouds for a long time, so moved was I by my own words and emotions writing this. But this very evening at Black Point in Narragansett proved to be a what I needed.

An unpredictable existence
Black Point, Narragansett, RI

While I was there I stopped to talk to three kids (adults really, but they are kids to me!) they asked about what i was doing and it went from there and ended with me, thrilled for the pictures I had captured, happily reading the accompanying words to them aloud… they were such nice kids, hard to explain the feeling, but when I meet people I know right away what kind of people they are…. these kids.. I hope they keep going. And I hope they find those fishing poles they talked about and do that fishing. What interesting people I have been blessed to met on these little adventures.

A watery grave on the rocks below
Black Point, Narragansett, RI

So this love, this love that sinks ships. It stays with me. So deeply and so profound…