How to breathe

Sunrise at Black Point, Narragansett RI

It has been a long and dreary week and I’m glad I was able to get out yesterday morning; I have been mostly house bound due to the weather and needing to be home with the kids. At least when the weather is nicer, when there are days on end I have no “plans” I can still get outside…. this past week though. Winter and impending winter weather can be hard. I go through seasonal depression every year. It is hard to sleep, I sleep too much or not enough. I nap. I become unmotivated and feel like I’m crawling out of my skin. I used to go tanning in my younger more careless years, but you know, much like the smoking I used to do, I found that I should probably stop that while I’m ahead. This incoming winter, I am hoping to combat the winter blues with hiking. I have the boots, the clothes, the spikes…. I just need the will. But I suppose, for the sake of my creativity and insanity, I will work hard to fight the urge to stay inside and sleep.

All last week, I had the words “it’s like I’ve forgotten how to even breathe” in my head, simply as a way to explain the way I was feeling; not that I’ve said it out loud… but I felt so disjointed and low. I need the light and the sun in my life.

Getting out for this beautiful sunrise at Black Point was the highlight of my week; the perfect way to start it or end it, depending on how you look at it. I sat in silence and enjoyed the waves in peace, let myself out to sea for while… being out there is inspiring, for my paintings and my writing. It’s cold here right now, but if getting up at 3 am for a sunrise in the summer is too early; I highly recommend experiencing a fall or winter sunrise. You don’t have to get up as early… you just have to dress warmly, bring your thermos of a hot drink, and enjoy.

Please enjoy the pictures. There were beautiful waves on the rocks yesterday and the light was everything 💙